In a statement it issued today, the Amhara Popular Front declared a significant escalation in the Amhara people’s struggle for survival. The statement highlighted the historical exclusion of the Amhara community from economic and social benefits, as well as their marginalization from political participation through suppression, displacement, and emigration.

The Front accused the ruling group of committing atrocities against the Amhara people, with killings carried out mercilessly using weapons and machetes. They claimed that Amhara mothers were being extorted of money through kidnappings, and Amhara investors faced bank account freezes. Additionally, they alleged the regime has deployed armed forces in the Amhara region under the pretext of law enforcement, resulting in the destruction of religious institutions, rape of women, and killings of innocent people.

As a response to these abuses, the front said, Amhara people have intensified their struggle, liberating cities from what it described as the “fascist OPDO/OLF prosperity structure.” In Gojam, Gondar, Wolona, and Showa, the front asserted that coordination with the people and the involvement of Fano forces had enabled the rapid dismantling of the oppressive structure.

In light of the escalating situation, the Amhara Popular Front made the following calls:

  • The Amhara people were urged to continue their efforts in gaining control of cities by dismantling the ruling system established by their brave sons.
  • Armed forces, including the Amhara Lyo Force, Amhara Police, strike force, members of the military, and militia, were called upon to join the Amhara people’s struggle for survival and fulfill their historical responsibilities.
  • Members of the defense forces were reminded of the regime’s atrocities and urged to stand in solidarity with the Amhara people’s cause.
  • The broader Ethiopian population was called upon to support the Amhara people’s struggle for survival.
  • The Amhara Fano forces were hailed as guardians of the Amhara and Ethiopian people, and they were urged to continue their journey toward freedom.

In the next two days, the front announced the establishment of an indefinite command post to coordinate the struggle for existence and freedom. This post will be implemented across Amhara cities, and regulations will be put in place to protect the liberated areas, manage the Amhara fighting units, and address issues related to property and prisoners’ protection.

The front was set up earlier this by Eskinder Nega, a popular journalist, others to start an armed resistance against the regime.