EVN (September 8) — Eyewitnesses in the Amhara region of Ethiopia have come forward to provide chilling accounts of alleged federal forces’ involvement in looting and violence while conducting house-to-house searches aimed at apprehending defiant Fano militiamen. In an exclusive report, The Guardian unveils the disturbing events unfolding in certain regions of the nation, raising concerns over the conduct of government forces during security operations.

As the government escalates efforts to disarm and dismantle these militias, allegations of excessive force and gross human rights violations, including mass killings, have begun to emerge.

One anonymous eyewitness from Majete North Shewa, where 70 civilians were reportedly massacred, recounted a horrifying ordeal, saying, “Federal forces arrived in our village, and instead of focusing on Fano, they began looting our homes and properties. When some farmers confronted them, they were shot at without warning. It was a scene of utter chaos and terror.”

Another eyewitness alleged that her husband was shot dead in front of her, despite his pleas for his life. Residents of the area said that military personnel, ostensibly on a mission to apprehend Fano militiamen, have been responsible for rampant looting and violence against innocent farmers. A farmer also told The Guardian that all his cattle, grains, and fertilizer in storage were looted by the federal troops, leaving him and his family completely dispossessed.

The Ethiopian government has yet to respond to these specific allegations, but there are growing calls, both domestically and internationally, for an impartial investigation into the reported incidents. Human rights organizations have joined in these calls, urging authorities to ensure accountability for any wrongdoing and to protect the rights and safety of civilians caught in the crossfire.

The Ethiopian government has been facing escalating international scrutiny over its handling of ongoing conflicts and human rights abuses in various regions of the country. The allegations of misconduct by federal forces only serve to exacerbate concerns about the deteriorating security situation.

The situation in Ethiopia remains highly volatile, with persistent conflicts and tensions in multiple regions. This exclusive report underscores the pressing need for a comprehensive and impartial inquiry into the alleged actions of federal forces in their pursuit of Fano militiamen. It serves as a stark reminder of the human toll that such conflicts exact on innocent civilians trapped in the crossfire.

As international pressure mounts for transparency and accountability, the Ethiopian government faces a critical test in addressing these allegations while navigating the complex and multifaceted challenges of securing peace and stability within the nation.