Geneva, EVN, (August 10) — The International Commission of Human Rights Experts on Ethiopia, established by the UN Human Rights Council in December 2021, has raised serious concerns about the ongoing human rights situation in the country. In a statement issued today in Geneva, the commission highlighted the urgent need for attention and action to address the various challenges facing Ethiopia.

The commission, comprising three human rights experts appointed by the President of the Human Rights Council, is chaired by Mr. Mohamed Chande Othman. Its mandate, which was renewed in 2022 to run until September 2023, is to investigate allegations of human rights abuses in Ethiopia since the conflict broke out in the north in November 2020.

The commission’s statement emphasized the gravity of the situation, with a particular focus on the escalating human rights violations that have been documented across Ethiopia. Reports of violence, unrest, and abuses have raised alarm not only among the international community but also within the country itself.

The commission expressed its commitment to impartially and comprehensively assess the human rights situation in Ethiopia. This includes investigating allegations of arbitrary detentions, restrictions on freedom of expression, and other rights abuses that have been reported in various regions.

Furthermore, the statement called upon the Ethiopian government to cooperate fully with the commission’s efforts. Transparency and accountability were underscored as vital components in addressing the concerns that have been raised.

The commission experts have requested access to affected areas, allowing its experts to gather first-hand information and assess the situation on the ground. The commission’s mandate focuses on providing an objective analysis of the human rights challenges, with the goal of contributing to a peaceful and rights-respecting resolution.

As the international community closely watches the developments in Ethiopia, the commission’s statement serves as a reminder of the importance of safeguarding human rights and ensuring that the voices of those affected are heard and heeded.

The commission’s call for immediate attention and cooperation reflects the urgent need for collective action to address the human rights crisis and pave the way for a more stable and rights-respecting Ethiopia.